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What to do for incontinence

As a Doctor of Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, my concern is for my patients and my local community. These exercises are very important to all adults. My recommendation is to do them standing, sitting, lying prone, supine and each side. If you did these exercises in each of those positions, daily, you may become aware of postures that are less responsive. This can help me know where you may have a subluxation pinching a nerve that could be affecting more than just incontinence. You live your life through your nervous system. Without 100% nerve function many health issues trouble you. As a Chiropractor, my job is to improve your health and lifestyle by restoring nerve vitality by unpinching nerves, improving nutrition, recommending and teaching effective exercise and lifestyle changes. If you need help, you can reach my office at 747-1596. We are here to serve you.

The following exercises were found at They were written and presented by Prevention Magazine.

Do Special Exercises

Kegel exercises were developed in the late 1940s by Arnold Kegel, M.D., to help women with stress incontinence during and after pregnancy. The experts say that these exercises reduce and may even prevent some forms of incontinence in both sexes and at all ages. Here are the guidelines from the National Association for Continence.

  • Without tensing the muscles of your legs, buttocks, or abdomen, imagine that you’re trying to hold back a bowel movement by tightening the ring of muscles (the sphincter) around the anus. This exercise identifies the back part of the pelvic muscles.
  • When you’re urinating, try to stop the flow, and then restart it. This identifies the front part of the pelvic muscles. (For women: Imagine you’re trying to grip a slipping tampon.)
  • You’re now ready for the complete exercise. Working from back to front, tighten the muscles while counting to four slowly, then release. Do this for 2 minutes, at least three times a day—that’s at least 100 repetitions.To locate your pelvic floor muscles, imagine trying to interrupt your urine stream. Slowly tighten and hold for 10 seconds; then relax for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Next, try a quicker squeeze and release of the same muscles–a faster move that works different muscle fibers. Squeeze and release in rapid succession 10 times. Do one set of fast and one set of slow Kegels each day, working up to three sets of both daily.

Body Benefit: Improves blood circulation to the genitals, which makes you more aroused; increases vaginal response and bladder control.


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